Love this little whale set, Oh Whale in the Occasions Catalog. I have not used it enough so I decided it was time to get it all inky!

First off who knew that Pacific Point and Pumpkin Pie would look so good together? The Color Coach knew and that is how I came to use this color combination. I use the Color Coach a lot. It really is a good tool to help broaden your color choices. The second thing I learned is that it is much, much easier to cut the whale out first using the Clearlits die and then stamp it . I did need to use my Stamp-a-ma-jig but I found this sequence much easier than stamping and then die cutting.
Stamps: Oh, Whale (129312 CM, 129129 W), Oh, Hello (130733 CM, 130730W)
Ink: Pacific Point, Daffodil Delight
Paper: Pacific Point, Whisper White, Pumpkin Pie, Polka Dot Parade
Punches: Owl Bulider punch (heart)
Big Shot: Happy Whale (129403) , Tasteful Trim, Multipurpose Adhesive Sheets
Extras: Pacific Point 1/4" Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon, Color Coach (120148), Stamp-a-ma-jig (101049)

Another little tip for you is to use the Multipurpose Adhesive Sheets ( 120805 page 177) when you cut out small pieces like the water spout. I placed my Pumpkin Pie card stock on a small piece of the adhesive sheets and then ran it through the Big Shot. I took off the individual drops of water from the cut out and since there was adhesive on the back I could place it easily on the card. It just made it a little easier than using any other adheisve. I did the same thing with the anchor.
If you are a fabric lover be sure to check out SU!'s Fabric Frenzy! All fabrics at 50% off for one week only March 25-31!.
NEW Product Alert! Check out SU's new product line, This and That. If you want to start capturing your life's This and That then you can order the whole bundle of products (133350) at 15% off through April 30th. The bundle of products is so cool and I am patiently (ok maybe not so patiently) for my product bundle to arrive. Can't wait to share it with you!
As always a lot going on! Thanks a ton for stopping by and I will be surfacing again soon with more samples to share!